
Books provide a valuable resource for learning more about how to heal and become whole. I recommend them all for different reasons. When we meet ask me more about what books I would recommend for your situation.

What Happened to You- Oprah Winfrey & Dr. Bruce Perry *when in doubt start with this one, the audio is awesome!

The Body Keeps the Score- Bessel A. van der Kolk

Complex PTSD-Pete Walker

Healing Your Attachment Wounds- Diane Poole Heller

Home Coming- John Bradshaw

The Courage to Heal- Ellen Bass & Laura Davis

The Gifts of Imperfection- Brene Brown

Permission to Feel- Marc Brackett

Waking the Tiger- Peter Levine with Ann Frederick

The Joy of Movement- Kelly McGonigal

The Four Tendencies- Gretchen Rubin

Mindset- Carol Dweck

Atomic Habits-James Clear

Tiny Habits- BJ Fogg

